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3 (2-Word) Statements We Need To Tell God

Having a “real” relationship with God is the best thing in the world! To be able to speak with Him in prayer and know that He is listening is one of the greatest privileges one can have. But to hear Him speak back is the most exciting feeling we’ll ever experience. There are many things that we must say to God or should say to God, but today we’ll focus only on 3 2-Word phrases. I pray that after you read this short blog post, you will add these 3 phrases into your daily talks with God. Are you ready…


  1. Thank You

That’s right! Thank you… When did we get to the point that we started taking for granted all that God has done in our lives? Just this morning, He allows our eyes to open — again. He allows our lungs to function properly and take air in and out without struggling. He allows our minds to be regulated so that we are able to process who we are and where we are. He provides food, shelter, clothing, transportation, and employment. So if He’s done all of this or even some of this for us why aren’t the first words that leave our lips in the morning, “Thank You!”?

Why aren’t the first words that leave our lips in the morning, “Thank You!”?

In Luke 17:11-19, we read of a time where 10 men that had a terrible skin disease called Leprosy cried out to Jesus for healing. He told them to go and show themselves to the priest to be cleared. As they were going, ALL 10 were healed but ONLY 1 turned back to say thank you. Why do you think that is? Do we find that we act more like the 9 in that once we receive our blessings we just keep it moving, or are we more like that 1 that just has to turn back and take a moment to fall at the Master’s feet and say thank you? Thank you is the perfect 2-word phrase to start your day with. If you haven’t said it yet, here’s your chance.


  1. I’m Sorry

People make jokes all the time about how women or men never want to say they are sorry. Could it be that our pride, displayed in our not wanting to acknowledge that we’ve done wrong, is keeping us from living our best lives? If we were to pause and look over our lives (start with the past 24 hours), would God have been glorified by our actions or would we have shamed Him with how we’ve handled the situations that life has handed us? Saying “I’m sorry” is so freeing. “I’m sorry” allows us to start again fresh without having that weight of guilt lingering over our heads. I highly recommend that we all take 5 minutes and find a quiet space to think about our lives. After telling God “Thank You” for all He’s done and what He’s seen us through, let’s use our next breath to say “I’m Sorry”. I’m sorry I didn’t listen to your voice when you instructed me (whether through the sermon on Sunday or in my private moments of reading the Bible). I’m sorry that I allowed the opportunity to shine the light that you’ve placed within me to pass by. I’m sorry that I haven’t spent as much time with you as I should.

Did you say it? Do you feel free? Now that you’ve tackled those first 2, prepare yourself for this next one! If you really meant what you said with the first 2 phrases, then this last phrase should be your automatic response…


  1. Send Me

     “Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying: Who should I send? Who will go for us? I said” Here I am. Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8 KJV)

When we find ourselves thanking God and repenting (turning away from our old ways and turning back to God), we will have an overwhelming desire to “do something for God” to show our gratitude. When we pause and think about all He’s done, our hearts will swell with thankfulness but don’t be surprised if you also experience intense sadness if you aren’t living according to God’s ways. That feeling is a good thing. That feeling will prompt you to tell God just how sorry you are. After you’ve expressed your sorrow, then it becomes important to ask Him for the strength to never return to the thing(s) that keeps you in the “I’m Sorry” cycle.

When we pause and think about all He’s done, our hearts will swell with thankfulness

Now you’re ready to go forth and help others say these same 3 2-word phrases. Your gratitude will fuel you as you seek to pour into the lives of others that have not come to the understanding that you have. Your gratitude will lead to you saying these 3 phrases upon waking each morning. “Lord, thank you for waking me up! Thank you for being my God, my Father, and Friend. Father, I’m so sorry if I’ve done anything that has brought shame to Your name or to Your kingdom. Please forgive me for any wrong I’ve done and please give me the strength to live according Your Word. Today I surrender to you Lord, please feel free to send me where you desire me to go. Show me who you’d like me to encourage. Guide my steps and I’ll will go. Send me!



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Twitter: @ccody3


Looking for a great book that will encourage you on your spiritual journey? Please grab a copy of Recap. It will bless you!

5 Things We Should Model For Our Children

5 Things We Should Model For Our Children


I know what you’re thinking! There has to be more than 5 things we should model for our children and guess what? YOU ARE RIGHT! But let’s start with these 5. It is so important that we do away with the old “Do as I say, not do as I do” principle that seems to confuse our children on a daily basis. If we allow our children to see us do these 5 things I believe it will place them on a path that will only add peace, joy, and purpose to their lives.


  1. Sincere Praise & Worship

Our children need to see us caught up in worship. They need to see us get lost in God and totally consumed with honoring Him. Unfortunately to often our children have their head down looking at an electronic device to keep them occupied, so we can half-way pay attention ourselves. What if we didn’t bring those into the sanctuary? What if we spoke to our children before worship about honoring God as we sing and read scripture? What if we allowed them to see us cry when the Spirit moved in our hearts? What if we took them to the altar with us when we came down for prayer? Our children need to see us honor God with our praise and worship.

What if we spoke to our children before worship about honoring God as we sing and read scripture?

  1. Give Our Offering

How will our children grow up without a selfish spirit, if we don’t show them the importance of giving? Our children need to see us give. We should explain to them why we give and how we always start with a tenth of our earnings (the tithe). When I was small, parents would give children a few coins to put in the basket so we could take part in the offering as well. This is important because it allowed us to grow up understanding that giving is actually a major part of honoring God and it is a form of worship. We must first observe and then teach our children that the most important thing that we can offer to God is our obedient service. We must give ourselves and then give of our substance.


  1. Reading Our Bible Away From Church

If the only time our bibles are cracked open is on Sunday morning, we are setting our children up for failure in their walk with God. Our children need to see us consult the “manual” when we are seeking direction or need guidance on how to best lead our families. It is important for our children to see us reading in general because it will create an environment where reading is something that is valued. But when they observe us spending time studying and reading the Word of God, that creates an environment where a relationship with God is cherished! Want to take it a step further? Include them! Spend 5 minutes a day reading the bible together (maybe before school or before bed). If we want to leave them something grand, let’s leave them an understanding that the bible shouldn’t stay closed until we go to church.


  1. Praying For Someone Else

This is one of the best ways to ward off the spirit of selfishness. When our children see us lifting up others in prayer, they will do the same. One of my favorite moments observing this was when my oldest son (he was 8 at the time) came into my room and I was sick and in bed and as he lay in bed beside me he said, “Dad, give me your hand.” I was thinking I’m sick and don’t feel like having him practice a karate move on me, but I relented and gave him my hand. He began to pray for me, “God, please heal my dad so he feels better.” How would he know to do this except he’d seen me praying for someone other than myself? Our children need us to show them that prayer is NOT just about rattling off our to-do-list for God, but it is communicating with our loving God how life is going and how we need Him in our lives. One of the greatest things your ears will behold is YOUR CHILD praying for someone other than themselves. Let’s show them how.

Our children need us to show them that prayer is NOT just about rattling off our to-do-list for God

  1. Honoring God With Our Gifts

We’ve all seen the videos of the little children “playing church” and acting like the preacher. We smile and it warms our heart that someone so small could emulate how the preacher sounds. But what if our children saw us rendering our gifts in service to the kingdom and serving others? Do our children hear us sing in the car, but we never sing with the church choir? Do our children see us give in the offering plate but look away from the man or woman on the street corner that needs our aid? Or do our children see us take the knowledge and expertise that we’ve gained (financial literacy, sewing, auto or home repairing, cooking, etc.) and host a workshop at church where we teach what would be a blessing in the lives of many others? God has given us all a gift or in many cases multiple gifts. It is important for us to use them to glorify the kingdom, but it is super important that I children see us doing this and come to understand why we do it. Our obedience will ensure that they will grow up understanding it is a norm to honor God with their gifts. It will be a norm for them to use what they have to pour into the lives of others.


Again, this is NOT an exhaustive list of the things we should model for our children, but if we start here, I’m certain our children will grow into men and women that please God.


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Twitter: @ccody3


Looking for a great book that will encourage you on your spiritual journey? Please grab a copy of Recap. It will bless you!

“YOUR” Role Is Important

“Your” Role Is Important


I love watching football. I love seeing the chess match between each coach as they strive to lead their teams to victory. But I saw something the other night that made me pause and ponder the importance of serving and not needing a spotlight or recognition. The game between the Green Bay Packers and the Seattle Seahawks had just ended and everyone was in the middle of the field shaking hands and congratulating each other. I watched their breath form clouds that filled the air and knew immediately that is was too cold for me to want to play in that weather. The camera caught the Packers star quarterback being corralled by the reporter for a quick post-game comment. Standing beside him was one of the staff members patiently awaiting the quarterback to take off his helmet so he could take the helmet and then hand him his warm hat to protect him from the elements. When I saw that, this is what hit me like a ton of brick…


Every Role Is Important

Without everyone accepting and performing their roles at a high level the entire organization would suffer. How does this transfer to our spiritual lives or to the success of the church? EVERYBODY has something to bring to the table and when we don’t bring our portion it hurts the team. In 1 Corinthians 12:14-27, the Apostle Paul paints a beautiful picture for us to see and understand the importance of each part of the body. While the quarterback did throw the game winning pass, the man that hands him his hat after the game, puts the quarterback in a position where all he has to concern himself with is helping the team win. Imagine how much more impactful our churches could be if we all KNEW and then PERFORMED our roles with passion and commitment. I watched another game the day before and observed how the punter was so good at his job that he would pin the opposing team deep on their side of the field on every kick. This may not seem important to a person that doesn’t understand football but that means each time they would have to go 80-90 yards in order to score. And anything could happen in those 80-90 yards to give his team a chance to succeed.

Imagine how much more impactful our churches could be if we all KNEW and then PERFORMED our roles with passion and commitment.

Maybe you aren’t the pastor, a licensed minister, a teacher, or even a deacon. Maybe all you do is greet the people as they come to worship. “All you do…” I’ve always hated when I heard someone describe their role as “all I do is…” when they felt their role was insignificant. Do you know the reason why the pastor or minister was able to speak a word that penetrated the heart of those sitting in the seats? It was because YOUR warm welcome helped put them in a worship mood immediately after walking into the house of God. Maybe you are part of the cleaning crew that ensures the church stays clean and tidy for worship. People don’t appreciate a clean environment until they are forced to be in one that is unkept and unclean. Maybe you are an usher and your role is to help maintain order during the worship. It is more than just handing out programs and showing someone where to sit. Your role is vital to the overall worship setting.

So from now on I pray that you will understand and appreciate the value that you bring to your church in whatever role that you serve. Whether you are part of the kitchen committee, the nursery, the outreach ministry, or if you contribute by giving your tithe each week to help the church financially, please don’t overlook how YOUR role helps the entire body function at full capacity. If you are not serving in your church in any capacity as you read this, I would like to encourage you to pray and ask God where He would like you to serve and then give of your time to that particular ministry in your church. Don’t sit back and watch, jump in a work! But if you’re going to do it please follow the words of Paul in Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,” (NIV)



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Am I Spiritually Healthy?

Most of us go to the doctor once a year for an annual physical checkup.  This important doctor’s visit allows us to see exactly where we are as it relates to our physical health.  When was the last time you had a spiritual checkup?  When was the last time you made sure you were spiritually healthy.  In today’s blog I hope to share with you several ways to check to see how spiritually healthy you are.  Let’s give you a Faith Physical shall we…


Until It Happens To Me

It’s not until bad knocks at our doors that we find out just where we stand with God.  It is easy to quote scripture, to say Amen, or to even tell someone else that God is good when things are going well for us.  But what about when we start to face tough times?  What happens to me when my health starts to fade, when my job lets me go, or when I lose a loved one?  I have all the perfect advice for others.  “Trust God, He’ll see you through this”, I tell them.  I’ve got all the answers, until it happens to me. Here are three things to do when we find ourselves in a tough spot and we don’t know what to do with our faith. (more…)

3 Things I Tell My Son That I Should Tell Myself

Fatherhood is one of the greatest callings in my life.  It seems like I’m always in the teaching mode.  Everything becomes a “teachable moment”.  It’s not uncommon for me to advise my seven and four year old sons with words that will turn around and hit me right between the eyes.  As soon as the words of wisdom that I am trying to impart upon my sons’ lives leaves my lips, I can hear a gentle voice within telling me to make sure I listen my own advice.  Below you will find three of the nuggets that I’ve shared with my boys that I pray will encourage you as much as they’ve encouraged me. (more…)

What You Can Learn About Life From Learning To Skate?

Today I took my two boys to a birthday party at the skating rink.  Neither of my boys are great skaters yet, but they do try.  For two hours, I watched them struggle to stay on their feet and master the skills that other kids their age and some even younger make look so easy.  And then my 7 year old asked me the question that inspired today’s post.  He said, “Daddy, how come they can skate better than me and why don’t they fall down as much as I do?”


I pray that the words you read next will inspire you to do like my boys did today… Keep Skating! So what can learning to skate teach us about living a life that pleases God?


How Does Our Closed Hand Close Off God’s Hand?

Try explaining to a 4 year old that some of his old toys have to go to make room for his new toys and see the reaction you get.  Can you say tears, tears and more tears! More than likely it’s the same reaction that God gets when He explains to us that in order to receive greater, we must be willing to let go of what we presently have.  Here are 2 things to think about if we desire to be blessed of God: (more…)

Are You A Dreamer?

The other day my wife told me that she was truly proud of me.  She pointed out how I had a dream to write and publish a book and I had the courage and fortitude to see  it through!  She went on to share with me what she had heard one of her colleagues say during a meet and greet event at work.  “If your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough.” – Ellen Johnson Sirleaf


Whenever I think of a dreamer I always think of Joseph in the Bible.  Here is a man that God gave a dream (a vision) for his life.  He was excited about that dream!  He wasn’t shy about sharing that dream!  But even Joseph didn’t know all of the ends and outs of his dream, he didn’t know what it would require of him for his dream to come to pass.  Often times we are the same way.  We have dreams or we have a vision of how we want to see things go in our lives and the only way we will see those dreams materialize is if we understand three simple yet compelling things about our dreams. (more…)